Pembangunan dan Penilaian Instrumen Kesihatan Mental dan Kecerdasan Spiritual
The Development and Evaluation of Mental Health and Spiritual Intelligence Instrument
Measurement instrument, mental health, life well-being, spiritual intelligence, factor analysisAbstract
Abstrak: Tinjauan literatur mendapati pelbagai instrumen digunakan bagi mengukur tahap kesihatan mental individu dan mengaitkannya dengan pelbagai perkara. Namun demkian, menggabungkan pelbagai instrumen soal selidik dalam satu kajian memungkinkan bilang item yang tinggi. Oleh itu, kaedah statistik analisis faktor dicadangkan untuk mengurangkan bilangan item pada masa sama meningkatan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan kajian. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti susunan 69 item soal selidik termasuk kebolehpercayaan dari aspek kesihatan mental, kebahagiaan hidup, dan kecerdasan spiritual. Instrumen ditadbir dalam kalangan 500 pelajar sarjana muda bidang kejuruteraan salah sebuah universiti teknikal awam yang dipilih secara rawak sukarela. Pengukuran jawapan item menggunakan skala likert 5 mata. Pendekatan kuantitatif sepenuhnya diguna pada instrumen, pengukuran jawapan, dan analisis. Hasil ujian Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure menunjukkan item-item sesuai bagi analisis faktor. Pengiraan total variance explained mendapati 3 faktor dicadangkan bagi item-item instrumen. Seterusnya keputusan rotated component matrik mencadangkan semua item disusun semula dengan 23 item asal disingkirkan. Analisis kebolehpercayaan memberikan nilai alfa Cronbach = 0.872 yang membolehkan semua item diterima. Perbincangan hasil analisis dan kajian tinjauan saling menyokong keperluan kajian rintis dan ujian kesahan sebelum penggunaan instrumen pada kajian sebenar berskala besar bagi tujuan pengukuran tahap kesihatan mental, kebahagiaan hidup, dan kecerdasan spiritual. Implikasi kajian membolehkan instrumen diyakini dan dipercayai digunakan bagi tema kajian yang sama.
Abstract: A literature review identified various instruments that were used to measure the level of mental health of individuals and attributed it to various aspects. However, combining various questionnaire instruments in one study allows the inclusion of a high number of items. Therefore, the statistical method of factor analysis was proposed to reduce the number of items while increasing the validity and reliability of the study. This study aims to identify the order of 69 questionnaire items including reliability from aspects of mental health, happiness in life, and spiritual intelligence. The instrument was administered among 500 undergraduate engineering students of one of the public technical universities who were volunteering selected. Measurement of item responses used a 5-point Likert scale. A fully quantitative approach is applied to instruments, measurement of responses, and analysis. The results of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure test show that the items are suitable for factor analysis. Calculation of total explained variance found 3 factors suggested for the items of the instrument. Next, the results of the rotated component matrix suggest that all items are rearranged with the original 23 items dropped. Reliability analysis gave a value of Cronbach's alpha = 0.872 which allowed all items to be accepted. The discussion of analysis results and survey research mutually support the need for pilot studies and validity tests before using the instrument in a large-scale real study for the purpose of measuring the level of mental health, life happiness, and spiritual intelligence. The implication of the study allows the instrument to be employed confidently and in a trusted manner for similar research themes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Muhaimin Mohamad, Rohana Hamzah, Paridah Mohd Ali, Hadijah Ahmad, Norizan Yusof, Haslinda Hashim, Muhammad Salehan Alhafiz Mat Wajar

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