Kajian Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Tentang Kesihatan Mental Di Malaysia Semasa Pandemik Covid-19
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) On Mental Health in Malaysia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kesihatan mental, faktor kesihatan mental, rawatan kesihatan mental, systematic literature review, Covid-19Abstract
Kesihatan mental boleh mempengaruhi kesihatan fizikal, kualiti hidup dan produktiviti seseorang. Namun begitu, peningkatan isu kesihatan mental dalam kalangan masyarakat di Malaysia pada hari ini berada pada tahap yang membimbangkan. Tambahan pula, penyebaran wabak pandemik Covid-19 pada tahun 2019 telah mengubah kehidupan normal manusia sekaligus berpotensi menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi kesihatan mental terutamanya dalam kalangan masyarakat di negara ini. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tema kajian dan perbincangan tentang isu kesihatan mental di Malaysia semasa wabak Covid-19. Kajian systematic literature review (SLR) ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan artikel bermula daripada tahun 2019-2021 daripada tiga pangkalan data iaitu Researchgate, Google Scholar dan Science Direct. Artikel yang telah dikumpul kemudian diteliti bagi memastikan artikel yang dipilih menepati fokus kajian. Sebanyak 24 daripada 81 artikel telah dipilih untuk dibincangkan dalam kajian ini. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat empat tema yang boleh diklasifikasikan berkenaan tema kajian lepas tentang isu kesihatan mental di Malaysia. Tema tersebut ialah; 1) rawatan kesihatan mental, 2) kesihatan mental dan pandemik, 3) kesihatan mental dan faktor demografi dan 4) kesihatan mental dan pendidikan. Oleh yang demikian, terdapat keperluan kajian yang menyeluruh seperti kajian mengenai pembangunan model islamik daya tindak keluarga dalam menangani gejala kesihatan mental agar masalah kesihatan mental dapat dikenalpasti dan tindakan segera dapat diambil.
ABSTRACT: Mental health can affect a person’s physical health, quality of life and productivity. However, the increase of mental health issues among the community in Malaysia today is at an alarming level. Furthermore, the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 has changed the normal lives of human beings and has the potential to be a factor influencing mental health, especially among the people in this country. This study aims to look at the themes of the study and discussion of mental health issues in Malaysia during the Covid-19 outbreak. This systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted using articles starting from 2019-2021 as of three databases namely Researchgate, Google Scholar and Science Direct. The articles that have been collected are then scrutinized to ensure that the selected articles fit the focus of the study. A total of 24 out of 81 articles were selected for discussion in this study. Overall, the study shows that there are four themes that can be classified with respect to the themes of previous studies on mental health issues in Malaysia. The themes are; 1) mental health treatment, 2) mental health and pandemics, 3) mental health and demographic factors and 4) mental health and education. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive studies such as studies on the development of Islamic models for family resilience in dealing with mental health symptoms so that mental health problems can be identified and action taken in prompt.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Kamal Azmi Abd. Rahman, Sakinah Salleh, Rosni Wazir, Suriani Sudi, Abdul Hadi Awang, Auf Iqbal Kamarulzaman

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