Sejarah Perkembangan Aplikasi Terapi Muzik Dalam Rawatan Kesihatan Mental
A History of Development of Music Therapy Application in Mental Health Treatment
muzik, rawatan kesihatan mental, terapi muzik, music, mental health treatment, music therapyAbstract
Umum mengetahui bahawa kesihatan mental merupakan komponen asas bagi memenuhi tuntutan seharian dalam suasana yang aman dan sejahtera. Namun saban hari, individu yang menghidapi masalah kesihatan mental semakin meningkat sehingga ianya memerlukan beberapa kaedah rawatan yang tersendiri. Terapi melalui alunan muzik telah dikenalpasti mempunyai manfaat terapeutik terhadap mental manusia, bahkan mampu menambahkan baik tahap kesihatan dan kualiti kehidupan seseorang individu. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji latar belakang dan sejarah perkembangan terapi muzik di samping turut meninjau tahap keberkesanan aplikasi terapi muzik dalam rawatan kesihatan mental. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan pendekatan reka bentuk kajian sejarah dan analisis kandungan. Maklumat dan data dalam kajian ini dikumpul dari pelbagai sumber berautoriti seperti buku, jurnal, tesis dan seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis tematik teks serta deduktif. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa disiplin terapi muzik yang diperkenalkan dalam perubatan moden oleh tamadun Barat pada hari ini telahpun sinonim dalam budaya masyarakat primitif tamadun-tamadun silam, tamadun Greek dan Rom malahan turut digunakan secara meluas dalam perubatan tamadun Islam sekitar abad pertengahan. Kajian-kajian terhadap tahap keberkesanan aplikasi muzik yang telah dijalankan dalam konteks rawatan kesihatan mental juga menunjukkan tindak balas positif dan perubahan signifikan daripada para responden.
In general, mental health is an essentials component of meeting daily demands in a peaceful and harmony environment. However, individuals suffering from mental health problems are increasing day by day so that they need some special treatment methods. Therapy through music has been identified to have therapeutic benefits on the human mind, even able to improve individual’s health and quality of life. Thus, this study was conducted to examine the historical development of music therapy and futher analyze level of effectiveness of the application of music therapy in mental health treatment. This study relies on qualitative methodological approach by using historical research design and content analysis. The information and data are collected from various sources such as books, journals, thesis and later analyzed using thematic analysis of text method and deductive approach. This study finds that the discipline of music therapy not only introduced in modern medicine by Western civilization today, but has been synonymous in the culture of primitive societies of ancient civilizations, Greek and Roman civilizations and even widely used in Islamic medicine around the Middle Ages. Studies on the level of effectiveness of music applications that have been conducted in the context of mental health treatment also showed positive responses and significant changes from the respondents.
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