Diagnosis of Jinn Possession Amongst Patients with Mental Disorders using Thermal Imaging
Diagnosis Posesi Jin di Kalangan Pesakit Kecelaruan Mental Menggunakan Pengimejan Termal
Complementary therapy, jinn possession, mental disorder, ruqyah, Terapi komplementari, posesi jin, kecelaruan mental, ruqyahAbstract
The belief in jinn possession is embedded in the Muslim faith. A previous quantitative study had identified symptoms of jinn possession. It shows that there are overlapping symptoms between jinn possession and mental disorders, leading to different diagnoses. An exploratory study was done to investigate the possibility of jinn possession amongst patients who have already been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and epilepsy using four case studies. All the patients have at least five significant symptoms of jinn possession and were on medication for their respective mental disorders. Thermal images of the patients were recorded using a thermal imaging camera to monitor temperature change before and after ruqyah. The thermal images before and after ruqyah were compared, and it was observed that parts of the body temperature for all four patients became hotter after ruqyah, indicating that all of them have jinn possession. This reaction to ruqyah is considered as a sign of jinn possession by ruqyah practitioners. It is possible that some of those who have been diagnosed with mental disorders may also have an underlying jinn possession issue. Using ruqyah as a complementary therapy on this category of patients may bring better therapeutic benefits. Further studies need to be conducted to identify the extent of jinn possession amongst those with mental disorders. The symptoms of jinn possession can be used as a guide for identifying possible cases of jinn possession amongst those with mental disorders.
Kepercayaan wujudnya posesi jin adalah sebahagian dari aqidah Islam. Satu kajian kuantitatif telah mengenalpasti simptom-simptom posesi jin. Ia menunjukkan ada pertindihan simptom di antara posesi jin dan kecelaruan mental dan seterusnya menimbulkan diagnosis yang berbeza. Satu kajian rintis telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kemungkinan adanya posesi jin di kalangan pesakit yang telah didiagnosis mengalami skizofrenia, kecelaruan bipolar dan epilepsi menggunakan empat kajian kes. Kesemua pesakit mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya lima simptom posesi jin yang signifikan dan mengambil ubat-ubatan untuk kecelaruan mental masing-masing. Imej termal pesakit diambil menggunakan kamera pengimejan termal untuk memantau perubahan suhu sebelum dan selepas ruqyah. Imej termal sebelum dan selepas ruqyah dibandingkan dan didapati sebahagian tubuh kesemua empat pesakit menjadi panas selepas ruqyah, satu indikasi bahawa kesemua mereka mengalami posesi jin. Reaksi terhadap ruqyah sebegini dianggap sebagai tanda posesi jin oleh perawat ruqyah. Ada kemungkinan separuh pesakit yang telah didiagnosis dengan kecelaruan mental mungkin mengalami posesi jin. Menggunakan ruqyah sebagai terapi komplementari ke atas kategori pesakit sebegini boleh menghasilkan faedah teraputik yang lebih tinggi. Kajian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengenalpasti sejauh mana keberadaan posesi jin di kalangan pesakit kecelaruan mental. Simptom-simptom posesi jin boleh digunakan untuk mengenalpasti kemungkinan adanya kes posesi jin di kalangan pesakit kecelaruan mental.
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