Hubungan Antara Motivasi Dan Persepsi Terhadap Latihan Mengajar Oleh Guru Pelatih
The Relationship Between Motivation and Perception of Teaching Practice by Trainee Teachers
Kata Kunci: guru pelatih, latihan mengajar, motivasi, persepsi guru pelatihAbstract
Motivasi guru memainkan peranan yang penting sebagai persediaan menjadi guru sebelum melangkah ke dunia realiti sebagai seorang pendidik. Tiga aspek yang disentuh berkaitan motivasi guru pelatih iaitu intrinsik, altruistik dan ekstrinsik. Manakala persepsi guru pelatih dilihat menerusi perspektif pengalaman, pengetahuan dan pembelajaran sepanjang menjalani latihan mengajar. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap motivasi guru pelatih dan persepsi guru pelatih terhadap latihan mengajar setelah menjalani latihan mengajar serta hubungan antara pembolehubah tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Seramai 80 orang pelajar terlibat sebagai responden merupakan pelajar Sarjana Muda di Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (FPTV) yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam latihan mengajar. Instrumen kajian berbentuk soal selidik digunakan dalam mengumpul data. Data kajian dianalisa secara deskriptif dan inferensi menggunakan skor min, sisihan piawai dan korelasi Pearson. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan guru pelatih mempunyai tahap motivasi yang tinggi sewaktu menjalani Latihan Mengajar. Persepsi guru pelatih terhadap latihan mengajar pula menunjukkan nilai min yang tinggi. Terdapat hubungan yang positif yang kuat antara motivasi dengan persepsi guru pelatih setelah selesai menjalani latihan mengajar. Persepsi guru pelatih terhadap latihan mengajar sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi tahap motivasi guru-guru tersebut. Kepentingan menjaga momentum motivasi adalah penting agar sesi latihan mengajar tersebut dapat berjalan lancar dan guru pelatih terus kekal positif untuk menjalani latihan mengajar.
Teacher motivation plays an important role as the preparation before entering the real world as educators. There are three aspects related to the motivation of trainee teachers, namely intrinsic, altruistic and extrinsic. While the perception of trainee teachers is seen through the perspective of experience, knowledge and learning throughout the teaching practice. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of motivation of trainee teachers and the perception of the trainee teachers towards teaching practice and also the relationship between both variables. This study was conducted through a quantitative approach. A total of 80 students involved as respondents are Bachelor students in the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) who have experience in teaching practice. Research instruments in the form of questionnaires were used in collecting data. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using mean scores, standard deviations, and Pearson correlations. The analysis of the data shows that the trainee teachers have high motivation level throughout the teaching practice. The trainee teachers' perceptions towards teaching practice show a high mean score value. There is a strong positive relationship between motivation and the perception of trainee teachers after undergoing teaching practice. Trainee teachers' perceptions towards teaching practice to some extent affect the level of motivation of these teachers. The importance of maintaining motivational momentum is a crucial part in order to make sure the teaching practice runs smoothly, and trainee teachers always are positive towards the teaching practice.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fazlinda Ab Halim, Arabiah Ain Ali, Wan Hanim Nadrah Wan Muda

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