Kitaran Air Semula Jadi: Dari Falsafah Kuno Ke Sains Moden Dan Kebenaran Al-Quran
Natural Water Cycle: From Ancient Philosophy To Modern Science And The Truth Of The Al-Quran
Air, Falsafah, Hidrologi, Quran, YunaniAbstract
Abstrak: Konsep kitaran air semula jadi, atau dikenali sebagai kitaran hidrologi dalam istilah moden, telah mengalami perkembangan pesat dari tamadun purba sehinggalah ke zaman era moden kini. Masyarakat silam mula memerhati bagaimana air seolah-olah mengalami proses kitaran semuala jadi melalui fasa kejadian hujan, sungai, dan laut. Pengamatan ini kemudiannya menjadi subjek renungan falsafah, di mana ahli falsafah Yunani seperti Plato dan Aristotle membuat pemerhatian asas tentang pergerakan air di muka bumi. Namun, sepanjang Zaman Pertengahan, perkembangan ini tersekat kerana pengaruh konservatif dan tentangan keras daripada pihak gereja terutamanya mazhab Katolik yang menekankan perkembangan sains. Perubahan besar berlaku semasa era Renaissance dan Pencerahan, apabila tokoh seperti Leonardo da Vinci dan Bernard Palissy memperkenalkan pendekatan empirikal melalui kajian eksperimen, yang seterusnya membina batu asas kepada ilmu hidrologi moden. Memasuki era moden, kemajuan teknologi merancakkan lagi revolusi dalam kajian kitaran air, membolehkan saintis memahami fenomena ini dengan lebih tepat dan terperinci. Kajian ini dijalankan melalui kaedah kualitatif analisis kandungan bagi menyoroti kemajuan mengenai kefahaman kitaran semula jadi air di bumi yang terjadi menerusi beberapa era dalam sejarah, serta membandingkan penemuan ini dengan penjelasan ayat al-Quran. Menariknya, al-Quran yang diturunkan pada awal abad ke-7, telah mengandungi penjelasan tentang kitaran air dengan cara yang selaras dengan pemahaman sains moden hari ini. Kajian ini menyerlahkan kebenaran isi kandungan ayat suci al-Quran yang jauh mendahului zaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat dunia.
Abstract: The concept of the natural water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle in modern terms, has evolved greatly from ancient civilizations to the modern era. In the past, people observed how water seemed to go through a natural cycle involving rain, rivers, and the sea. These observations became subjects of philosophical reflection, with Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle making basic observations about water movement on earth. However, during the Middle Ages, progress was halted due to conservative influences and strong opposition from the Church, especially the Catholic sect, which suppressed scientific development. Major changes occurred during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods when figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Bernard Palissy introduced empirical methods through experiments, laying the foundation for modern hydrology. In the modern era, technological advancements have further revolutionized the study of the water cycle, allowing scientists to understand it more accurately and in greater detail. This study uses qualitative content analysis to highlight the progress in understanding the natural water cycle throughout different periods in history and compares these findings with explanations found in the Quran. Interestingly, the Quran which is revealed in the 7th century, contains descriptions of the water cycle that align with modern scientific understanding. This research highlights the truth within the Quran’s verses, which were far ahead of their time and global knowledge.
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