The Islamic Perspective on Thinking and Innovative Culture as Exemplified by the Works of Renowned Muslim Scholars
Thinking, Innovative culture, Creativity, Culture, Muslim scholars.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to revisit the concept of thinking and innovation in Islam from the examples shown by Muslim scholars. This article also highlights the significance and the need to apply the Muslim scholars’ model of Islamic thinking and innovation culture to the present day educational system. The study is descriptive in nature, showcasing the scholarly contributions of great Muslim men from the past, as well as the opinions of contemporary scholars of Islam on thinking and innovation. This preliminary paper may provide a distinctive perspective on the concept of thinking and innovation and its necessity in the contemporary Islamic educational system. It should also be considered as a crucial tool to be mastered by youngsters during the present age in the era of science and technology.
Key Words: Thinking, Innovative culture, Creativity, Culture, Muslim scholars.
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