The Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards on Employees' Performance
Kesan Ganjaran Intrinsik dan Ekstrinsik terhadap Prestasi Pekerja
Intrinsic Rewards, Extrinsic Rewards, Employees performance, Ganjaran intrinsik, Ganjaran ekstrinsik, Prestasi pekerja;Abstract
The requirements for success and the achievement of the planned goals, force companies and institutions to optimize the utilization of the employees, especially those who have acquired experience in their field of work within a specific work environment. In order to make sure the employees are continuously in high momentum and performance, the employees must be given sufficient rewards. This conceptual paper discusses on the employees performace and how it is influenced by rewards. In an occupational sector, rewards can be classified into two categories, which are intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Various literatures were studied and analyzed. The study found that most of employees performance, either positive or negative were influenced by the rewards they received.
Keperluan untuk meraih kejayaan dan mencapai matlamat yang dirancang, memaksa syarikat dan institusi untuk mengoptimumkan penggunaan pekerja, terutamanya mereka yang telah memperoleh pengalaman dalam bidang kerja mereka dalam persekitaran kerja tertentu. Bagi memastikan pekerja sentiasa berada dalam momentum dan prestasi yang tinggi, pekerja mesti diberi ganjaran yang mencukupi. Kertas konsep ini membincangkan tentang prestasi pekerja dan bagaimana ia dipengaruhi oleh ganjaran. Dalam sektor pekerjaan, ganjaran boleh dikelaskan kepada dua kategori, iaitu ganjaran intrinsik dan ganjaran ekstrinsik. Pelbagai literatur telah dikaji dan dianalisis. Kajian mendapati kebanyakan prestasi pekerja, sama ada positif atau negatif dipengaruhi oleh ganjaran yang mereka terima.
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