Kepatuhan Belia Muslim Terhadap Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Berpandukan Maqasid Syariah: Satu Kajian Rintis
Muslim Youth's Compliance with Movement Control Orders Guided by Maqasid Syariah: A Pilot Study
COVID-19, Belia Muslim, Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan, Maqasid Syariah, COVID-19, Muslim Youth, Movement Control Order, Maqasid SyariahAbstract
Dunia seakan lumpuh apabila jangkitan kes wabak COVID-19 merekodkan peningkatan kes yang serius. Penularan tersebut telah memberi impak negatif kepada pelbagai sektor. Satu mekanisma lebih efektif perlu diambil kira dalam menjaga kemaslahatan masyarakat awam. Jangkitan kes di Malaysia masih tinggi dan belum menunjukkan penurunan dua angka atau lebih rendah. Justeru, tindakan kawalan dan pencegahan perlu diambil segera. Sekiranya diteliti dari sudut kaedah fiqh, perintah kawalan pergerakan menepati maslahah atau kebaikan demi menjaga agama dan nyawa masyarakat awam. Oleh demikian, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji tahap kebolehpercayaan instrumen yang digunakan bagi mengenal pasti kepatuhan golongan belia Muslim mematuhi Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) melalui Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) menurut perspektif Islam melibatkan agama dan nyawa yang telah dikuatkuasakan oleh kerajaan Malaysia bagi membendung wabak COVID-19. Metodologi kajian adalah berbentuk kuantitatif dan seramai 70 belia Muslim di Malaysia terlibat dalam kajian rintis ini melalui data soal selidik yang diperoleh. Tahap kebolehpercayaan soal selidik ini adalah 0.833. Hasil kajian mendapati kepatuhan belia Muslim ke atas Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang dilaksanakan kerajaan Malaysia telah memberi impak yang baik dan bertepatan dengan maqasid syariah walaupun ramai dalam kalangan belia Muslim kurang memahami secara mendalam berkaitan maqasid syariah.
The world seemed paralyzed when the COVID-19 pandemic infection recorded a severe increase in cases. The outbreak has hurt various sectors. A more effective mechanism needs to be considered in safeguarding the welfare of the public. The incidence of cases in Malaysia is still high and has not shown a double-digit decline or lower. Therefore, control and preventive measures must be taken immediately. If examined from the point of view of the method of fiqh, the order to control the movement is under maslahah or goodness to protect the religion and the lives of the public. Therefore, this study aims to examine the level of reliability of the instrument used to identify the compliance of Muslim youths to comply with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) through Movement Control Order (MCO) according to Islamic perspective involving religion and life that the Malaysian government has enforced to curb COVID-19. The research methodology is quantitative and a total of 70 Muslim youths in Malaysia were involved in this pilot study through questionnaire data obtained. The reliability level of this questionnaire is 0.833. The results of the study found that the compliance of Muslim youths on the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented by the Malaysian government has had a good impact and coincides with the maqasid shariah although many among Muslim youths do not understand in depth the maqasid syariah.
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