Muslim Friendly Hotel (MFH) in Malaysia: Understanding the Market
Hotel Mesra Muslim di Malaysia: Memahami Pasaran
Islamic Friendly Hotel, Muslim Tourist, perceived value, satisfaction., Hotel Mesra Muslim, Pelancong Muslim, Perspesi Nilai, Kepuasan.Abstract
The increasing number of Muslim travellers has led to the increase of demand and supply in Islamic tourism and hospitality industry. Due to this trend, hotel providers have provided innovative services, and Muslim-Friendly Hotel has been created specifically to cater the needs of Muslim travellers. Perceived value is acknowledged as an influential measure of customer satisfaction and behavioural intention. However, only a limited amount of empirical research has been made on the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions towards Muslim-friendly Hotel in the context of Muslim tourists. Although researchers have proposed theoretical knowledge and provided empirical evidence on the concept of perceived value, only a few studies have applied this concept in the Muslim tourist’s perspective. It is important to understand the relationship between concept-perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioural intention of Muslim tourist, for the sustainability of a competitive business. Therefore, a survey was made on 386 Muslim tourists who have experienced the services provided from the selected Muslim-friendly hotels in Malaysia. Partial Least Square algorithm (PLS-SEM), with the aid of Smart PLS software, was used to test and validate the reliability of the scales. The findings from this study indicate that service quality, physical attribute, emotional and nonphysical attribute are four interrelated factors, which collectively contribute to Muslim tourists’ satisfaction. Besides that, the findings also confirm the roles of satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between (i) service quality, (ii) Islamic physical attribute, (iii) emotional and (iv) Islamic nonphysical attribute with behavioural intentions. These findings contribute to the theory of consumer’s behaviour by examining the behavioural intention of Muslim tourist, in the context of Muslim-Friendly Hotel. In terms of practical implications, the findings may also assist tourism providers and marketers in establishing and developing Islamic tourism product and services by meeting the needs of Muslim tourists.
Peningkatan jumlah pelancong Muslim menyebabkan peningkatan terhadap permintaan dan penawaran dalam industri pelancongan dan perhotelan berasaskan Islam. Disebabkan tren ini, penyedia hotel telah menyediakan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang inovatif, dan Hotel Mesra Muslim telah dicipta khusus untuk memenuhi keperluan pengembara yang beragama Islam. Persepsi nilai adalah diakui sebagai ukuran yang berpengaruh bagi kepuasan pelanggan dan niat perlakuan. Walau bagaimanapun, hanya sejumlah kajian empirikal yang terhad telah dilaksanakan berkaitan hubungan antara persepsi nilai, kepuasan, dan niat perlakuan terhadap Hotel mesra Muslim di dalam konteks pelancong yang beragama Islam. Walaupun para penyelidik telah mencadangkan pengetahuan teori serta menyediakan bukti empirikal berkaitan konsep persepsi nilai, hanya beberapa kajian sahaja yang menerapkan konsep tersebut pada perspektif pelancong yang beragama Islam. Ia adalah penting untuk memahami hubungan antara konsep-persepsi nilai, kepuasan, dan niat perlakuan pelancong yang beragama Islam, untuk kelangsungan perniagaan yang kompetitif. Oleh yang demikian, tinjauan telah dilaksanakan terhadap 386 para pelancong Muslim yang telah menikmati perkhidmatan yang disediakan dari hotel mesra Muslim terpilih di Malaysia. Algoritma Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM), beserta bantuan perisian Smart PLS, telah digunakan untuk menguji dan mengesahkan kebolehpercayaan skala. Hasil dapatan dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kualiti perkhidmatan, sifat fizikal,sifat bukan fizikal dan emosi adalah empat faktor yang saling berkaitan, dimana ianya secara kolektif menyumbang kepada kepuasan pelancong yang beragama Islam. Selain itu, hasil dapatan juga mengesahkan peranan kepuasan sebagai perantara dalam hubungan antara (i) kualiti perkhidmatan, (ii) sifat fizikal Islam, (iii) emosi dan (iv) Sifat bukan fizikal Islam dengan niat perlakuan. Hasil dapatan ini menyumbang kepada teori tingkah laku pengguna dengan meneliti niat perlakuan pelancong yang beragama Islam, dalam konteks Hotel Mesra Muslim. Dari aspek implikasi praktikal, hasil dapatan ini juga dapat membantu pemasar dan penyedia pelancongan dalam mewujudkan dan memajukan produk pelancongan dan perkhidmatan berasaskan Islam dengan memenuhi keperluan pelancong Muslim.
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