Populariti Aktiviti Keusahawanan Institusi Tahfiz Swasta (ITS) di Malaysia
Popularity of Private Tahfiz Institution (PTI) Entrepreneurial Activities in Malaysia
Populariti, Aktiviti Keusahawanan, Keusahawanan Sosial, Institusi Tahfiz Swasta (ITS)Abstract
Institusi Tahfiz Swasta (ITS) di Malaysia berkembang dengan pesat saban tahun hasil kesedaran masyarakat tentang kepentingan pendidikan agama kepada anak-anak khususnya pengajian tahfiz. Walaupun begitu, ITS dibelenggu masalah kewangan dan kelemahan tadbir urus yang menjejaskan kualiti huffaz. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini ialah (i) Membincangkan konsep keusahawanan sosial, (ii) Mengenalpasti aktiviti keusahawanan yang paling popular diamalkan oleh ITS dan (iii) Merumuskan keberkesanan dan cabaran aktiviti keusahawanan yang diamalkan oleh ITS di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi bermula pencarian dalam pautan internet seperti google scholar, google dan facebook dan diikuti teknik bola salji (snowball), diikuti temubual semi struktur terhadap 6 buah ITS terpilih menggunakan persampelan purposif. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat 22 buah ITS di Malaysia yang dikenalpasti menjalankan aktiviti keusahawanan melibatkan 16 buah ITS menjalankan perniagaan berbentuk produk, manakala selebihnya sebanyak 6 buah ITS pula menjalankan perniagaan berbentuk perkhidmatan di negeri Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Melaka dan Perlis. Selain itu, didapati bahawa populariti perniagaan berasaskan produk lebih menonjol berbanding perniagaan berasaskan perkhidmatan seterusnya aktiviti keusahawanan didapati mampu menampun kos operasi ITS masing-masing walaupun menghadapi beberapa cabaran seperti modal pusingan, persaingan, pemasaran dan sebagainya. Maka, aktiviti keusahawanan yang diamalkan oleh ITS mampu menampun kos operasi serta meningkatkan penjanaan pendapatan sendiri dan ekonomi demi kelansungan ITS di Malaysia.
Private Tahfiz Institutions (PTIs) in Malaysia are rapidly expanding as a result of increased public awareness of the importance of religious education for children, particularly the study of the Quran. Nonetheless, PTIs are plagued by financial issues and governance flaws, which have a negative impact on the quality of students or huffaz. Therefore, the objectives of the study are; (i) to discuss the concept of social entrepreneurship, (ii) to identify the most popular entrepreneurial activities practised by PTIs, and (iii) to summarise the effectiveness and challenges of PTI entrepreneurial activities in Malaysia. This study used a qualitative method, a phenomenological approach, and began with an internet search that included Google Scholar, Google, and Facebook. The snowball technique was also used which semi-structured interviews were conducted with six selected PTIs using purposive sampling. According to the findings, there were 22 PTIs in Malaysia that have been identified to carry out entrepreneurial activities, with 16 running product businesses and the remaining 6 running service businesses in Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Melaka, and Perlis. Furthermore, it was discovered that the popularity of product-based businesses is significantly higher than that of service-based businesses. Despite some challenges such as working capital, competition, marketing, and the like, entrepreneurial activities were found to be capable of covering the operating costs of their respective institution. Thus, PTIs entrepreneurial activities could still cover operating costs while also increasing their own income generation and economy, ensuring the survival of Private Tahfiz Institutions in Malaysia.
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