The The Relationship between Service Marketing Mix and the Students Satisfaction
Hubungan di antara Perkhidmatan Pemasaran Bercampur dan Kepuasan Pelajar
Service marketing mix, Student’s satisfaction, 7ps.Abstract
The issue of marketing is a very important issue in order to reach the consumer market, but it needs a fundamental mechanism in term of service marketing. Therefore, more marketing elements need to be integrated into the marketing plans. This article discusses the relationship between service marketing mix and student satisfaction at Kolej Universiti Islam Antrabangsa Selangor (KUIS). There are many factors that affect student satisfaction at KUIS, which is the 7P. This study used a quantitative approach using questionnaires as tools to collect data. This study was applied to 322 male and female students studying in the third and fourth semesters. The results were analyzed using statistical methods, descriptive frequency ratio analysis, and deductive analysis, and the study found that the material evidence factor is the most positive factor affecting the level of satisfaction with KUIS. The price factor is the factor that negatively affects student satisfaction at KUIS. The results obtained helped in giving indications of the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing process. The results of the research were given to the college in order to benefit from the findings.
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