World Reaction and the Role of Turkiye, Iran and Asian Countries in Maintaining Qatar Sovereignty: A Case Study of Gulf Crisis

Reaksi Dunia dan Peranan Turkiye, Iran dan Negara-negara Asia dalam Mengekalkan Kedaulatan Qatar: Kajian Kes Krisis Teluk




gulf, crisis, block, terrorist, border, action.


Abstract: This research examines how nations such as Turkeyi, Iran, and Asia responded to the Gulf of Qatar crisis and assisted Qatar in retaining its sovereignty. The United States became aware of the situation and collaborated with Middle Eastern countries. This study examines in chronological approach the roles played by the Anti-Terror Quartet (ATQ), which consists of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Egypt. Countries providing Qatar with political, social, and economic support will be investigated to identify the consequences on Qatar and the nations who provide such support. The data gathered from this study will be analyzed qualitatively. Turkiye and Iran, according to the data, are already collaborating with Qatar to play a very effective and aggressive role. Despite their geographical distance, Asian countries assist Qatar in maintaining its independence. Asian countries would rather work with Qatar than support the ATQ. The conflict will be resolved if the ATQ countries take processional action against Qatar. These issues will continue to impede the Gulf region's progress unless they are resolved.


Abstrak: Kajian ini mengkaji bagaimana negara seperti Turki, Iran, dan Asia bertindak balas terhadap krisis Teluk Qatar dan membantu Qatar dalam mengekalkan kedaulatannya. Amerika Syarikat menyedari keadaan itu dan bekerjasama dengan negara-negara Timur Tengah. Kajian ini mengkaji secara kronologi peranan yang dimainkan oleh Anti-Terror Quartet (ATQ), yang terdiri daripada Kerajaan Arab Saudi, Bahrain, dan Mesir. Negara yang menyediakan sokongan politik, sosial dan ekonomi kepada Qatar akan disiasat untuk mengenal pasti akibat ke atas Qatar dan negara yang memberikan sokongan tersebut. Data yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini akan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Turkiye dan Iran, menurut data, sudah pun bekerjasama dengan Qatar untuk memainkan peranan yang sangat berkesan dan agresif. Walaupun jarak geografi mereka, negara-negara Asia membantu Qatar dalam mengekalkan kemerdekaannya. Negara-negara Asia lebih suka bekerjasama dengan Qatar daripada menyokong ATQ. Konflik akan diselesaikan jika negara-negara ATQ mengambil tindakan kerjasama terhadap Qatar. Isu-isu ini akan terus menghalang kemajuan rantau Teluk melainkan ia diselesaikan.


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DOI: 10.33102/sainsinsani.vol8no2.407
Published: 2023-11-30
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How to Cite

Hairi, N. A. (2023). World Reaction and the Role of Turkiye, Iran and Asian Countries in Maintaining Qatar Sovereignty: A Case Study of Gulf Crisis: Reaksi Dunia dan Peranan Turkiye, Iran dan Negara-negara Asia dalam Mengekalkan Kedaulatan Qatar: Kajian Kes Krisis Teluk. Sains Insani, 8(2), 168-173.
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