Integrating Collaborative Learning in English Proficiency Classroom: Does It Resolve Students’ Speaking Anxiety?
Pengintegrasian Pembelajaran Kolaboratif di dalam Kelas Bahasa Inggeris: Adakah ia Menyelesaikan Masalah Keresahan Bertutur Pelajar?
Collaborative learning, speaking anxiety, speaking skill, English language proficiency, teaching and learning, second language acquisitionAbstract
Understanding a language and being able to speak one confidently are two entirely different aspects in second language acquisition. Most students struggle with the latter due to lack of good speaking skills. There are many possible reasons that could hinder students from acquiring this particular skill, and one of the most common is speaking anxiety. Among many available teaching approaches available, collaborative learning is believed to be very effective in providing atmosphere that could reduce students’ speaking anxiety. Therefore, this study seeks to identify the effectiveness of integrating collaborative learning in ESL classroom in reducing speaking anxiety and how this approach helps to do so. Collaborative learning approach is conducted in the classroom through a short movie assignment which mainly focuses on teamwork. This study involves 150 students of Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. They are required to complete a graded assignment in which they need to prepare a themed short movie in a group of 10. After submission, they need to answer a set of questionnaire and write a reflection on the effects of the assignment on their speaking anxiety. Results shows that collaborative learning approach helps students to reduce their speaking anxiety as it promotes continuous practice of the language with their teammates during rehearsals which in return improves their confidence to speak.
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- 2020-07-13 (2)
- 2020-05-31 (1)
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