Trend Penerbitan Kajian Hak Kebebasan Beragama di Malaysia: Sebuah Kajian Bibliomatrik
Publication Trend on Religious Freedom Rights in Malaysia: A Bibliomatric Study
Hak kebebasan beragama, Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Malaysia, Analisis bibliomatrik, ScopusAbstract
Abstrak: Isu hak kebebasan beragama merupakan isu penting dan kontroversi di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, hak kebebasan beragama di Malaysia telah menarik perhatian ramai pengkaji sama ada dalam negara atau pun daripada luar negara. Perkara asas untuk memahami hak kebebasan beragama di Malaysia adalah keterikatannya dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia sebagai undang-undang tertinggi negara yang mana telah menyatakan tentang jaminan hak kebebasan beragama bagi setiap warganya. Kajian bibliomatrik ini adalah bertujuan untuk menganalisis trend penulisan yang berkaitan dengan hak kebebasan beragama di Malaysia dalam pangkalan data Scopus. Bagi mendapatkan data, kajian menggunakan kata kunci (("religious freedom" OR "freedom of religion" OR "freedom of faith" OR "religious liberty" OR "right to worship" OR "freedom of religious practice" OR "freedom of religious expression" OR "religious toleration" OR "spiritual liberty") AND (Malaysia OR "Malaysia constitution" OR "federal constitution of Malaysia" OR "Malaysia law" OR "legal Malaysia")) di Scopus. Kajian telah mengenalpasti sebanyak 76 artikel. Semua artikel tersebut akan dibincangkan berdasarkan 7 kategori iaitu, (1) Jenis penerbitan, (2) Bidang kajian, (3) Tahun penerbitan, (4) Nama penulis, (5) Jurnal penerbitan, (6) Afiliasi penulis, dan (7) Negara. Walaupun penulisan tentang hak kebebasan beragama di Malaysia telah diterbitkan di jurnal-jurnal antarabangsa atau bukan jurnal tempatan di pangkalan data Scopus, hak kebebasan beragama di Malaysia masih menjadi antara bidang kajian yang signifikan dalam kalangan ahli akademik di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, pada masa akan datang, kajian tentang hak kebebasan beragama di Malaysia akan terus menjadi tema penting dalam penerbitan artikel sama ada di jurnal tempatan atau antarabangsa yang diindeks oleh Scopus.
Abstract: The matter of religious freedom holds considerable significance and controversy in Malaysia, capturing the attention of researchers both domestically and internationally. The fundamental aspect to grasp concerning the right to freedom of religion in Malaysia is its association with the Federal Constitution, the highest law in the country, which explicitly guarantees this right for every citizen. This bibliometric study, conducted using the Scopus database, aims to analyse the prevailing trends in literature concerning the right to freedom of religion in Malaysia. To obtain data, the study uses keywords (("religious freedom" OR "freedom of religion" OR "freedom of faith" OR "religious liberty" OR "right to worship" OR "freedom of religious practice" OR "freedom of religious expression " OR "religious tolerance" OR "spiritual liberty") AND (Malaysia OR "Malaysia constitution" OR "federal constitution of Malaysia" OR "Malaysia law" OR "legal Malaysia")) in Scopus search engine. The study has identified a total of 76 articles. All the articles will be discussed based on 7 categories which are, (1) Type of publication, (2) Field of study, (3) Year of publication, (4) Name of the author, (5) Journal of publication, (6) Affiliation of the author, and (7) Country. Despite publications on religious freedom in Malaysia appearing in both international and local journals within the Scopus database, the topic remains a substantial area of investigation among academics in Malaysia. Consequently, the study of religious freedom in Malaysia is anticipated to persist as a prominent theme in future articles, published in either local or international journals indexed by Scopus.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ain Balkis Mohd Azam, Kamal Azmi Abd Rahman, Khadijah Muda, Abd Hakim Mohad, Adibah Sulaiman, Sarjit Singh Darshan Singh

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