Staying productive through Animal Crossing video game during the Malaysian Movement Control Order 2020-2021

Menjaga Produktiviti melalui permainan video Animal Crossing semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Malaysia 2020-2021


  • Ms Tengku Intan Maimunah Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Associate Professor Dr Md Azalanshah Md Syed Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Dr. Rosya Izyanie Shamshudeen Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



productivity, video game culture, COVID-19, Movement Control Order, Malaysia


Abstract: During the tumultuous COVID-19 Movement Control Order (MCO), many Malaysians turned to video games to improve their mental health, to reduce stress, and to unwind. Local news reported on the active engagement of players, particularly through the creative productions inspired by their gaming experiences. In light of this phenomenon, this study investigates the ways players engage in such creative productions to fulfil their fundamental needs for agency and authorship which were affected during the pandemic lockdown. A qualitative textual analysis was conducted on a local gaming Facebook group, focusing on creative productions for Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020). The game was selected due to its outstanding commercial success, its critical acclaim, and the presence of an active local community with over 14,000 members. Through the analysis of 87 Facebook posts, the findings suggest that Malaysian players remained productive during the restrictive MCO period by producing custom designs to preserve cultural meanings, creating fan art to upskill, and selling fan art to generate income. These creative productions elevated the players to the status of producers, enhancing their standing within the gaming community through the acquisition of gaming capital. The study highlights the importance of staying productive through creative productions as an active and integral approach to alleviating the negative effects of the MCO period.


Abstrak: Semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) COVID-19 yang penuh cabaran, ramai rakyat Malaysia beralih kepada permainan video untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mental, mengurangkan tekanan, dan melepaskan ketegangan. Berita tempatan melaporkan tentang penglibatan aktif pemain, terutamanya melalui produk kreatif yang diilhamkan oleh pengalaman permainan mereka. Berikutan fenomena ini, kajian ini menyiasat cara pemain terlibat dalam pengeluaran kreatif untuk memenuhi keperluan asas mereka untuk agensi dan pengarang yang terjejas semasa sekatan pergerakan pandemik. Analisis teks kualitatif telah dijalankan ke atas sebuah kumpulan Facebook permainan tempatan, dengan fokus kepada pengeluaran kreatif untuk permainan Nintendo Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020). Permainan ini dipilih kerana kejayaannya yang cemerlang di pasaran, pujian kritikal yang diterima, dan kewujudan komuniti tempatan yang aktif dengan lebih 14,000 ahli. Melalui analisis 87 kiriman Facebook, dapatan menunjukkan bahawa pemain Malaysia kekal produktif semasa tempoh PKP yang terhad dengan menghasilkan reka bentuk tersuai untuk memelihara makna budaya, mencipta seni peminat untuk meningkatkan kemahiran, dan menjual seni peminat untuk menjana pendapatan. Pengeluaran kreatif ini mengangkat pemain kepada status pengeluar, meningkatkan kedudukan mereka dalam komuniti permainan melalui perolehan modal permainan. Kajian ini menekankan pentingnya kekal produktif melalui pengeluaran kreatif sebagai pendekatan aktif dan penting untuk meringankan kesan negatif tempoh PKP.


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Author Biographies

Ms Tengku Intan Maimunah, Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tengku Intan Maimunah Tengku Sabri is a PhD student researching gaming culture at the Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. Her research interests span various areas of the humanities with a focus on visual and media culture.

Associate Professor Dr Md Azalanshah Md Syed, Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Md Azalanshah Md Syed is an Associate Professor at the Department of Media and Communication Studies as well as the Deputy Dean (Value Creation and Enterprise) at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. His research interests cover the fields of Asian popular culture mainly on serial television drama, gender issues, and Malay studies.

Dr. Rosya Izyanie Shamshudeen, Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Rosya Izyanie Shamshudeen is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. Her areas of specialization include media studies, popular culture, screen studies, and broadcasting. She was a member of Erasmus+ research grant 2016-2018 with the project “International Media Studies: Media Literacy as Media Competence Program for Social Change (MEDLIT)”.


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DOI: 10.33102/sainsinsani.vol9no2.701
Published: 2024-11-30
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How to Cite

Tengku Sabri, T. I. M., Md Syed , M. A., & Shamshudeen, R. I. (2024). Staying productive through Animal Crossing video game during the Malaysian Movement Control Order 2020-2021: Menjaga Produktiviti melalui permainan video Animal Crossing semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Malaysia 2020-2021. Sains Insani, 9(2), 405-416.
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