Development of Innovative Prophetic Food: Effect of Different Genotypes of Barley (Shaeer) on Quality Characteristics of Instant Talbina Drink
Pembangunan Makanan Sunnah Inovatif: Kesan Perbezaan Genotip Barli (Shaeer) Terhadap Karakteristik Kualiti Minuman Talbina Segera
barley; functional; nutrient; prophetic; talbina, barli; berfungsi; nutrien; sunnah; talbinaAbstract
Talbina is a prophetic barley-based product commonly used to treat pain and sorrow among Arabs. Barley crops consist of plentiful source of carbohydrate, soluble dietary fiber (β-glucan) with healing properties and high potential as functional food. Different barley varieties contain different nutrients density. Therefore, Instant Talbina Drink (ITD); an innovated prophetic dairy product supplemented with different genotypes of barley (commercial pearl (CT); act as control, hulled (HT) and hull-less (PT)) were produced. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different types of barley on the quality of ITD via scientific analytical approaches including chemical and physicochemical analysis as well as 9-scale hedonic evaluation. The total calories per 100 g of ITD samples were ranged from 363.5 kcal – 358.33 kcal. The result showed that CT had the highest caloric value followed by PT. Meanwhile, PT showed a significantly difference in protein content compared to HT and CT. Apart from that, HT had the highest value of fiber content which was significantly difference from CT and PT. In addition, the shelf life of the samples (in powder form) which has been packed in airtight containers were discovered up to 30 days when kept refrigerated temperature at 8 °C after a visual observation has been conducted. The highest degree of consumers’ preferences toward PT in regard to their good sensory attributes and its nutritional density unhesitatingly revealed that PT is the best formulation of ITD for commercialization purpose.
Talbina adalah produk makanan sunnah berasaskan barli yang biasa digunakan untuk merawat kesakitan dan kesedihan di kalangan orang Arab. Tanaman barli terdiri daripada sumber karbohidrat yang banyak, serat makanan larut (β-glukan) dengan sifat penyembuhan dan berpotensi tinggi sebagai makanan berfungsi. Kepelbagaian barli yang berbeza mengandungi ketumpatan nutrien yang berbeza. Oleh itu, Minuman Talbina Segera (ITD); produk sunnah tenusu yang diinovasikan ditambah dengan genotip barli yang berbeza (mutiara komersil (CT); bertindak sebagai kawalan, lambung (HT) dan lambung (PT)) dihasilkan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesan pelbagai jenis barli terhadap kualiti ITD melalui pendekatan analitik saintifik termasuk analisis kimia dan fizikokimia serta penilaian hedonik 9 skala. Jumlah kalori setiap 100 g sampel ITD berkisar antara 363,5 kkal - 358,33 kkal. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa CT mempunyai nilai kalori tertinggi diikuti oleh PT. Sementara itu, PT menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan dalam kandungan protein dibandingkan dengan HT dan CT. Selain itu, HT mempunyai nilai kandungan serat tertinggi iaitu perbezaan ketara dari CT dan PT. Selain itu, jangka hayat sampel (dalam bentuk serbuk) yang telah dikemas dalam bekas kedap udara ditemui hingga 30 hari ketika disimpan dalam suhu sejuk pada 8 ° C setelah pemerhatian visual dilakukan. Tahap keutamaan pengguna tertinggi terhadap PT berkaitan dengan sifat sensori yang baik dan kepadatan pemakanannya tanpa ragu-ragu menunjukkan bahawa PT adalah perumusan ITD terbaik untuk tujuan pengkomersilan.
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